Friday, 8 July 2011

"40 days and 40 nights"

Mark 1:1-13
After his baptism Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness.

Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness after the life changing event of his baptism, before he began to take action in the world in his new ministry.

It strikes me now that the time of this Summer between my son's graduation and when I take him to college is My 40 days to prepare for life to be different.

I mean, it's not that I have some great plans to go call disciples and leave home or anything that radical -- but I certainly do know that my life will be different in September!

Already it is different. For example, I don't have to wake up at 5:30 every morning to prepare for my son's 6:15 school bus. And I am noticing more how many habits and activities involve my parenting.

In the Bible the number forty does not necessarily mean the precise number. As I understand it, when it says "40" it means "a long time, which added up to the right number of days to accomplish what needed to be accomplished."

Lord Jesus guide me through my "40 days" that when the nest is emptied I will be prepared to transform the hours which I have been filling with my mom-ministry into hours well spent in other things you call me to do and be.

8 July Friday proper 9

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