Friday, 12 August 2011

Too Much Stuff

10 August Wednesday proper 14

Mark 10:17-31
Jesus tells the rich young man to sell what he owns. The young man is shocked and goes away grieving, for he has many possessions.

I own (ok, the bank owns and I pay the mortgage on) a four bedroom house full of stuff. Even for myself with two children at home and three cats that is far more than I need. And it is an outrageous amount compared to most people on earth.

And now the children will not live here most of the time.
I do not have to wonder 'what would Jesus do' about this.
He who was born in a stable and who put these words to the rich young man, likewise challenges me.

I think, come fall, after the nest empties, I need to pray and seriously re-evaluate this aspect of my lifestyle.

Lord, in my head and my heart I known that I have too many possessions. Inspire me to take action to live more as you would have me live. Amen.

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