Friday, 12 August 2011

Eye See

12 August Friday proper 14
Mark 10:46-52
Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus.

This story has come to have more meaning in my life recently. It was one month ago that my daughter lost her sight in one eye. Thankfully the friends around her were not like the disciples. They took her to the hospital quickly. They ran errands to get her the things she needed to be healed.

I am so grateful that these folks she has only known a short time were there for her.
And I am so thankful for the people who have done research on treatment, here and there, and the outpouring of concern and prayer has been wonderful.

So the opthomologists in occupied Palestine are not as gifted as Jesus! Her vision is partly back but not fully.*

But I rejoice, and know that God was in the healing, not just medically but also in the generous presence of Christ in each person who responded in her (and my) time of need.

And as I think back on the whole incident, it gives me confidence that all will be well as they go out into the world without me.

Creator God, how often we take for granted things that are readily a part of our lives, like the gift of sight. Thank you for eyes to see!
Open my eyes to see those in the world who do not have all the resources I have and guide me to do something about the disparity.

* Actually, I liken her story more to the one in Mark 8:24 where the blind person's sight was not fully restored at first, but eventually it was.
In the photo above, the white part on the bottom of the pupil that looks like a reflection is scarring thats still blurring her vision

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